Chris and I went to bed around 2:00am. By 2:30 I couldn't sleep and was keeping him up so I went to the living room to sleep on the couch. I was alseep for maybe 10 minutes when around 2:45 I was awakened by a noise that I couldn't imagine was anything good. In a matter of a second I went from thinking it was someone smashing my front door in (which was 6 feet away from the couch), to thinking it was thunder but quickly realized it was WAY too loud and shook the house WAY too much to be thunder, then thought a bomb had exploded. My heart was racing and I could hear Chris in the bedroom yelling for me to come in there with him which of course I was already on my way. A few minutes later we heard sirens going up and down 114 which confused us because they were going in different directions!! Obviously they didn't know exactly where the problem was either. In the next 30 minutes we heard about 5 or 6 more explosions but nowhere near as loud as the first. Around 4am the helicopters started. I didn't sleep a wink. Chris was able to sleep about an hour and a half (he's gone to work already). I just laid there and cried. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what it could have been. At one point I prayed that everyone was safe and at that point Chris was trying to make me feel better and he said "all we can do is pray that everyone is OK".
I just kept waiting for it to be light out so I could leave the bedroom! I was too scared to leave!! Chris's alarm went off at 6:30 so I turned on the TV and there it was all over the news...a massive explosion at a chemical plant 1 mile away from our house!! Many homes around the plant were leveled even a pizza place and a bakery that I went to with Olivia (the lady there loved Liv and gave her a cookie). I think the most miraculous thing is that EVERYONE was OK. Apparantly there are people

as far away as Maine that felt the explosion!
It was a long night of not knowing what happened. The anticipation was awful. I just couldn't stop crying.