Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's next?

The day after my canceled transfer I spoke with the dr's office and they told me to call them when I got my next period. So here we go...more waiting!!! It's all I do!

Luckily my cycle was only 21 days so I got my period WAY earlier than I was expecting so I am already almost half way into my next cycle. Even though they don't need to get any more eggs from me this time because we will be transferring the frozen embryos, I still need to hormonally be at the right stage for my body to accept any embryos. Basically I still need to grow follicles and release them (ovulate). So tomorrow I find out if I have any follicles growing. The problem is I already know that I only grow one follicle on my left ovary every other cycle (unless I am taking hoards of hormones to grow 37) , so it's possible I won't even be able to have the transfer with this cycle either! But as Chris always tells me...think positive.

Keep your fingers crossed!

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