Thursday, October 26, 2006

Just what we wanted

The doctor was able to tell that one baby is a boy. Chris was pretty relieved because he then knew it wasn't possible to have two girls. But then I was petrified he'd say the second one was a boy. He said he wasn't 100% positive but that the second one looked to him like a girl. He told us not to buy anything pink yet though. We'll find out for sure on November 13th.

He said that both babies are developing perfectly and there are no signs of any problems. He's very obsessed with the cervix being long. I guess the longer the cervix is the less chance you have of pre-term labor. He said at 19 weeks if it's the same size it is now I will have 97% chance of going past 32 weeks. He's very happy about that so I guess I am too.

I am definitely getting bigger by the day and am amazed at how uncomfortable I am already. With two in there I guess it's no surprise, but still. My back hurts if I stand too long, it's hard to get up and down quickly, and I get winded if I even talk too much!

Still haven't gained any weight.

OH, and no pictures this time. They just weren't facing the right way for that.

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