My prediction was that Jackson would be totally into it and impress the coaches and Maddie would be sitting on the sidelines picking grass. To some extent I was right but they did surprise me.

Monday and Tuesday Maddie was shy and didn't want to go to the coaches when we got there. She quickly warmed up though. Jackson wasn't shy at all Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday Maddie was going right to the coaches and Jackson decided that he didn't want to participate anymore. I knew I needed to handle it gently because I didn't want to pressure him and make him not like it. I just kept telling him that something exciting was happening and then he'd run back down.
Friday was graduation and soak the coach day.
My opinion of the week is as follows:
Overall they had fun and that's what counts. In my non-professional opinion I think it wasn't enough soccer. They did a lot of running around being silly. I suppose there isn't a whole lot you can teach 3 and 4 year olds but I was hoping for a bit more. I actually think that's why it wasn't keeping Jackson's attention.
I think all of the theme days were totally unnecessary including "graduation". Come now.
The t-shirts were WAY too big. They offer weekly soccer camps to 3 and 4 year olds but don't have t-shirts in their size? WEAK!
I doubt I will sign them up next year. With the 5+ year old camp the classes are a little longer so I think they'll get a lot more out of that. No use in repeating what they just did. Unless I find someone else offering something.
I do love the soccer statue poses! We did a sports sampler last winter through our local YMCA that was a winner. Just a bit of each sport; soccer was their favorite.
OMG. Cutest pics ever of them in their soccer shirts, shoes, and shin guards!
Great pictures of them romping about. I really want to start Kylie in soccer but can't find a class until she is 5.
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