Here are some pictures Auntie Courtney took while she was watching M&J a couple weeks ago. That's Uncle Steve, Auntie's fiance.

These are some pictures from this morning during our new 6am "I'm not sleeping in my crib anymore" routine.

Auntie came over today and helped me give the twins a bath. Madison managed to pee while in the bath AND after it while Auntie was holding her but before getting the all important diaper back on. We both thought she was safe since she had JUST gone in the bath!
Then she helped me take pictures out in the front yard. We got a lot of cute ones even though Madison was zonked after the bath. At least Jackson wasn't a cranky pants!

Love the outdoor pictures! I actually said aaawwww when I saw them.'s too funny that our daughters were wearing the SAME dress! Thanks for your comment.
Random question...who do you think Jackson looks like?
Kerry- Love these shots! You don't know how many times I look at your blog and think "oh, that's a good photo idea". SO cute!
The first time I saw Jackson when they handed him to me in the hospital I was overwhelmed at how much he looked like Chris. He definitely looks like Chris's baby pictures. but I DO see some of me in him. I think he has my mouth and chin and so far my blue eyes (chris's are brown).
Oh...and it's not like you don't have your hands full and that you have tons of extra time to do this, but... we've tagged you! If you want to play, drop by our site and check it out!
Happy 1st Mother's Day :)
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