Monday, August 20, 2007

August 20

Crying, hungry babies...


seattlegal said...

Soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Is that how Jackson normally cries? The ending of his cry just cracked me up! (Is it weird that I can find it funny listening to other twin babies cry, but not funny when it's my own?)

Too cute. I need to make a video like that.

Courtney said...

Isn't it funny how dramatic they can get! They act as though they are STARVING!!! B especially flips out when she is hungry!

Kerry Lynn said...

OMG they are SO dramatic. They go 8 hours at night without eating and wake up happy as clams and lay in their cribs talking for an hour before they are fed again but god forbid during the day they go 4 hours and 2 minutes.

I like to get video of all kinds of things because life with them isn't ALL all three of you know!

Thank you all for your support by the way. How lucky are we to be twin mommies?? Hard, but I wouldn't change it for the world.