Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22

The other day Jackson was fussing in the pack-n-play and kind of annoying me because he was fed and clean and surrounded by toys so there was no reason for him to be fussing. I finally went over to jokingly yell at him and found them like this. Apparently he was fussy because his sister was kicking him in the face! Then I sang and they both smiled ear to ear.

Chris got Madison rolling over on video last night but it's on the fancy HD video camera that I have no clue how to use so I was able to get one of her from my digital camera this morning.


Anonymous said...

Yay Madison!

Kate is just now rolling over from back to belly. She has been going from belly to back as fast as lightning, but I think it's because she will do anything to avoid tummy time! :)

Do you leave them in the P&P to just hang out and play?

Kerry Lynn said...

yes, I try to leave them in there for a period of time every day so they are used to it.

Wendy and Karen said...

I love those smiling faces!