Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21

Yesterday was lots of fun. The babies, my mother, and I drove into Boston with my Aunt Judy and her two grandsons, Ben and Jack. We parked at the Museum of Science where the duck tours leave from. My mom and Judy had already purchased tickets online. I wasn't sure ahead of time if I was going to make it so I didn't have a ticket. I was hoping there would be one available when I got there but I knew there was a chance that we'd have to wait for them to get back. Sadly the boat was full so M&J and I walked around a little. We saw a really pretty park across the street (and across the green line) so I pushed the stroller across the street. The park was surrounded by fencing. I kept walking around in the hopes that there would be an opening but there wasn't. I saw a woman across the street pushing a double stroller and of course wondered if she had twins in there. Since the park was obviously closed for some reason I turned back to go back to the museum and walk around in there. I ended up bumping into the woman with the stroller and she was also curious what I had in MY stroller. We were thrilled to find that we both had boy girl twins born in the same hospital! Hers were 1 year old. They looked so big compared to M&J! She asked for my email so we could keep in touch and said I was welcome to join her playgroup. I've never looked into joining one but I bet it would be fun.
Ok, sorry for the tangent.

I made my way back to the museum and went into the cafeteria to grab a snack then we walked around the building to the water. The Charles looked beautiful with all the boats and the classic Boston skyline in the background.
It was a perfect day right around 75 degrees. M&J were perfect angels all morning long and ended up falling asleep in the stroller. I took this sleeping moment to cut their nails!!
I was able to see their boat coming back right by where I was standing. That's Ben in the red shirt. The duck tour was eventually over and we all went to the cafeteria to get lunch. That was the most chaotic mess I've ever seen! But I did randomly bump into my friend Borina that sits next to me at work! What are the odds that we would both be at the MOS and at the cafeteria at the same time?? M&J woke up once we got in all that noise so of course they wanted to eat when we were trying to eat. My mom fed Jackson who proceeded to spit up all over the front of her shirt as she was demonstrating to Ben why we can't play "Super Jackson" after he eats. (Super Jackson...or Madison is a game we play where we put them high in the air like they're flying. They both get the biggest grins but it can be dangerous if Tank has just eaten). I think she asked for it. I fed Madison who again didn't finish a whole bottle.

We wanted to get out of the city before the traffic got too bad so we made our way back to Stoneham and went to the Stone Zoo. Look how cute Jackson is!!! Ben's not so bad either ;-)
Jack had fallen asleep on the way there so I put Jackson in the baby carrier while Jack shared the double stroller with Madison.

We were pleasantly surprised to find a LOT of animals there. I think we had heard bad things about the place so we weren't expecting much but we saw eagles, tigers

a jaguar a snow leopard, meerkats a spider monkey, these other monkeys that looked like skunks owls, a yak, other monkeys and pink flamingos!!! There was more than that but that's all I can think of right now.

They didn't have much in the way of good snacks so we left and went to Jordan's to get ice cream. I couldn't stay long because I had to get back home to get ready for work but it was a fabulous day.

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