Dear Madison and Jackson,

You have both started to "talk" to each other. One of you will babble and the other will babble right back and even laugh like you've said something funny.
You both learned the same day to climb up onto the futon in the playroom. It's lower than a normal couch so you both get up and down on your own very easily. Madison has only fallen on her head once getting down. :-) You both laugh and squeal while you're up there like you know it's someplace you shouldn't be.
You love your chairs that Nana bought you for Christmas. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is a show that Daddy plays for you a lot and he will tell you to get your chairs and you do! You will sit and watch the show. The only part of the show you really like are the songs.
You both are fascinated with lawn mowers. You love to look out the window when the neighbor mows our lawn and the other day we were on the Lynnfield Common enjoying the weather and some bubbles but you couldn't take your eyes off the riding lawn mower that was going back and forth near us. Jackson literally didn't move a muscle. He sat in one place the entire 30 minutes we were there. You couldn't have cared less about the bubbles.
These days you both wake up between 8:30 and 9. I get you up and make breakfast, change diapers, and feed you. Then you both go off and find toys to play with usually in the playroom. You both come back in the living room periodically to check on me ;-) I've been experimenting with keeping you up as long as possible rather than strictly putting you down for a morning nap. I'm hoping to eventually get you to sleep from 12-3 and have that be your only nap. You are able to stay up until 12 or 1 but you still won't stay asleep for more than an hour so you always end up needing another nap around 4 or 5. I know Jackson wakes up too early and that you both need to nap longer but I have no idea how to get Jackson to stay asleep (or get back to sleep)!
I think a lot about my relationship with you both and how it may be in the future. I can't imagine not adoring you to the degree I do when you're older but I have yet to meet a parent that seems to love their older children as much as I love you now. It always seems like older children or teenagers feel like their parents don't love them or even like them. No matter how our personalities may mesh (or not mesh) as you grow please know that literally couldn't love you more. I would feel like such a failure if you ever doubted that throughout your lives. Even if I deny you something you think you can't live without, know that it's because I'm looking out for you and am only trying to protect the two greatest gifts that God ever gave me. I love you more than you'll ever know.
Dear Jackson,

You are able to climb up and down stairs with absolutely no fear whatsoever. On too many occasions when we're somewhere with stairs I'll go to look for you and find you at least half way up the stairs. You know to turn yourself around and go down backwards. I have no idea where you learned that because I know no one taught you. I guess you're just advanced ;-)
One thing I haven't talked about are distinguishing marks on your body. You have none. No freckles or marks anywhere.
Your hair is growing in since I cut it in March. The back definitely has a slight curl to it and continues to be a light brown. Your eyes have become a very deep, rich, solid brown and looking into them just makes me melt. Your eyelashes are thick and long and dark.
You also got your first tooth this month!!! The first was your bottom right and today I noticed the top left is showing!
When we try to get you to say "Auntie" you say "aaaa-DA". We always thought you were being a bugger and saying dada back but now we realize that you ARE saying auntie!
You have become a total snuggle bug. It's the best thing in the world to have you climb up me and settle into my lap. Your whole body relaxes and you let out a big sigh. I sit there and smell your hair, kiss your face, and stroke your soft skin. The other day you were so relaxed that you actually fell asleep on me for the first time in many months! It was heaven. Until I attempted to put you in your crib and accidentally dropped you (in the crib). You were very rudely awakened and you cried really hard.
You wear the same sizes as last month.
Dear Madison,

As for marks on your body, the only thing you have is a tiny "strawberry" on your upper arm. I forget the technical name for it. I expect that like me you'll have freckles some day but I don't know when those start to show up. So far you have none.
Your eyes are a very slightly lighter shade of brown than Jackson's. They are so big and expressive. Your eyelashes are very long and thick but are a lighter color so they aren't as noticeable as Jackson's.
You have been stuck on 8 teeth for a few months now. I don't even know which ones will be the next to come in.
We think you may be allergic to nuts. One night Nana (don't worry nana, I totally don't blame you) was eating a weight watchers toffee crunch ice cream bar. Daddy told her that toffee has nuts in it (I had no idea) so she ate the chocolate/toffee coating off and let you bite the vanilla ice cream. Later they noticed you had a few hives on your neck and back! The box said there were almonds in the toffee so we'll be talking to Dr. C about that at your visit next month.
Like I said last month you get fairly clingy with me when we're out in a strange place. Not overly but enough that I need to stay near you. But the other day we were at Olivia's house and her daddy was making you really upset. You would frown and eventually start bawling and need Daddy or me to hold you. Olivia's daddy was very sad because he didn't mean to make you upset. Then a few days later we drove out to great grandma and great grandpa's house in western Mass. When we got there you wouldn't go anywhere near great grandpa but let great grandma hold you. You absolutely love Grandpa, Papa, and Daddy though.
When you walk around the house you always have a toy in each hand. One day I realized that it's always a like object...two balls, two small books, two stuffed animals, two sets of plastic keys. That totally amazes me!
I have no idea how you knew what I meant but one day I said "Love Jackson" and you went right up to him and put your head to his and smiled from ear to ear. Now Jackson knows the words too and he will meet you half way and try to hug you.
You enjoy sitting in my lap but you don't stay there very long. You'll get up and go do some things then come back and whine for me to pick you up again. You'll sit for a minute then fuss to get down again.
You wear the same sizes as last month.
I always love reading these. They make me smile. I LOVE the pic of Madison. Her smile can really light up a room.
Wow. I love that B&W of the two of them. You do a great job with these letters.
I love your updates too. Great job!
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