In the morning I took the kids into the office to visit. Everyone thought they were adorable.


We went back to Nana's house and ate dinner. Auntie Kristen and Raffe were at the house when we got back so we all walked around together with Papa while Nana stayed at the house to hand out candy.

Madison and Jackson didn't really get that they were supposed to go to the door and get candy. The first house they were very confused. The second house was a little better and by the third house they were walking right into the house. Most of the houses have a breezeway entrance which is where they were handing out candy. The main front door was dark but Jackson would go from the breezeway door right to the main door to get more candy!

I'm so glad we brought the stroller! I didn't have them strapped in though because they were in and out at every house. At one point I was pushing when Jackson decided he was going to hop out. I yelled "NO" real loud but it didn't even phase him. He ended up flat on his belly on a driveway which was followed by many minutes of hysterical crying. He didn't have any scratches or anything, he was just scared. When we got back Jackson said "nana" for the first time! Nana was SO happy! She had been promising $100 to the first one to say Nana. Now we'll see if she was serious!

I ended up going to work after we were done trick-or-treating for a couple hours. It was a hectic day so it was nice to have a little peace and quiet.

We missed trick or treating, since we are in Fl. But I bet Z would have gone into histarics if a stranger came out of the house he was knocking on! Huge stranger anxiety right now.
I just love these photos.
What a wonderful idea! They look so cute!
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