Friday, June 01, 2007

Back to work

After being out of work since the first week in January I went back to work last Friday. M&J were 10 weeks old and it was time for me to start making some money again...apparently it doesn't grow on trees. Chris gets home around 5:30 and then I head out the door to work (at the same company) from 6-midnight. So far it's going very well. The kids have been very good about keeping a great schedule that really fits in.

This is our day...

  • 6-7am kids wake up and eat

  • 7am we go into bed with Chris as he's waking up

  • 7-7:20 we smile and coo with Jackson, cuddle with Madison (she's not smiling as much as her brother and has only cooed a couple of times)

  • 7:20-11ish snooze on and off in bed with M&J

  • 11 eat

  • maybe go for a walk

  • 1-2 Chris comes home for lunch

  • 2-3 kids snooze a bit

  • 3 eat

  • 3:30 official nap in crib

  • 3:30-5:30 I make formula for the next 24 hours, maybe make dinner, get ready for work and clean up

  • 7 Chris feeds them and plays with them

  • 11 Chris feeds them and swaddles them and puts them to bed'

This week has been crazy for me though. I have had an appointment the last three days. Wednesday I had minor surgery to remove an out of control wart on the top of my foot and some weird purple lump on the palm of my hand that has been there since January. I have stitches now but the worst part of the pain was the fact that my hand was so numb it hurt (if that makes any sense). I had to work that night too but I couldn't type because I couldn't feel my fingers touching the keyboard! Luckily it was my left hand and I really only use the number pad at work. Auntie Courtney watched the kids all day for me...even after I got back so I could take a nap to let the sedation wear off before going to work. Thursday I had to go to Boston for a follow up OB apt so I dropped M&J off at my mother's on the way. I would have taken them with me but I really couldn't carry both of the car seats with my hand in stitches. Today I had PT on my hip and my mom came over to watch M&J. We went for a walk after to my friend Stacey's house who lives in a neighborhood near mine.

It's actually very nice to be back at work. The office is nice and quiet at night and i can just sit and plow through my work without being bothered. I know the kids are in good hands so I'm not constantly thinking about them. Everyone always asks me if I'm worried about the kids or how Chris does with them. I feel bad that everyone thinks that men are so incompetent that they can't care for their own children. Chris is in love with them as much as I am so I know they are in just as good care as if they were with me. Since we have two I really needed his help maybe more than someone who only has one so he really has been "hands on" with them from day one.

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