Friday, January 30, 2009

6 plus octuplets

When I first heard of the woman giving birth to octuplets and heard all of the criticism I kind of felt bad for her.  Then I found out that she is single, lives with her parents, filed for bankruptcy 1.5 years ago, and ALREADY HAS SIX CHILDREN!
I saw on CNN that she had 8 embryos transfered and all 8 took.  But then I read an article that said they weren't sure what kind of fertility treatments she had so I'm not sure although I'm 99.9% positive that fertility treatments were involved.
Why why why would she actively attempt to get pregnant when she already had 6 kids and obviously has no financial means to care for them?
Why why why would any RE treat her at all let alone transfer 8 embryos or do an IUI if there were 8 mature follicles?
It's so frustrating how Chris and I work our butts off to make money and be responsible and we still struggle when there are people out there living off the government.  I just don't see how that's fair (unless there is some sort of mental or physical handicap).


Haley & Abigail Christian said...

Whoa. Like holy Joey Lawrence WHOA. I'm with you on this is just nuts. It's one thing to have six children you can't support but FOURTEEN?? UGH.

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Yeah, I almost fell over when I heard she already had 6 kids. Then I was wondering why she did fertility treatments if she already had 6 kids. I wonder if she's a bit of a head case.

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

Preach it sister! There is no way in hell a DR would have transferred EIGHT embryos!! NO WAY! I bet she got some black market clomid and treated herself. My Dr canceled my IUI cycle when I got six good follicles.

Weeze said...

I hear ya! It makes those of us who struggle with IVF and get appropriate treatment look bad. It is true no RE should have done that. I did hear that they are looking into where she got treatment from. It is really sad.
We can only hope that somehow those babies will be ok (although it is not fair to them at all) and justice will somehow prevail.

Lisa C. said...

No kidding!!! and who paid for it? lol I can't imagine anyone transferring 8 embryos either... I guess the pieces will come together eventually... I think if the government is involved, where it should be involved is in finding those children a good stable home.. she's obviously off her rocker...