Dear Madison and Jackson,
This month has been a lot of fun with you both doing new things. We've been spending more time at home with the cold weather although we do try to get out and walk with Stacey at the mall. I broke the car last week so you went an entire week never leaving the house!
Madison copies everything Jackson does. If he leaves the room she follows right behind. When you are sitting in the high chairs if he slaps his hand on the tray she will immediately do the same. If he scratches the tray she will do it too. If he coughs she will cough. If he makes his dinosaur noise she will attemtp to copy it. She watches him intently to see what he is going to do. She also takes absolutely everything he has. Jackson doesn't stand a chance.Still no words being spoken. Just babbling baba, mama, dada. I've started to sign "more" to you when I give you food. You haven't copied it yet but when I do it you both get very excited because you know you're going to get something to eat. Still no clapping or waving.
Dear Jackson.
You are a very sweet and happy boy but you have started to become very rough. You don't know your own strength. You pull hair, grab hold of skin on our faces and try to pull it off. This is especially bad when you do it to your sister. She cries when you hurt her.
Dear Jackson.
You also started to grab her clothes when she's crawling and you will hold onto her and crawl with her practically on top of her. Eventually she will lay down and you end up squishing her. Just this morning you pinned the poor cat to the floor! Luckily she's extremely tolerant.
You still have no teeth!! I bet they will all come in at once. Won't that be fun?
This past month you started waking up in middle of night screaming. For the first few weeks I would run in to get you out of the room so you didn't wake up Maddie even though I knew I was getting you into a bad habit. So for the last week or so I haven't gone to get you and you go back to sleep on your own and oddly enough your sister doesn't wake up. Also for a couple weeks you decided you were not going to take a nap in your crib. I think it was because standing was new to you so you didn't want to lay down. I believe you're over it now. The last week or so has been very good nap wise.
You have started some new vocalizations. It's mostly a combination of vowel sounds. It sounds like you're actually trying to mimic our conversations.
I have no idea how much you weigh but I would guess 20 lbs. You wear size 6 diapers and 12-18 months clothes.
You chew on a sippy cup rather than suck on it. You have almost no interest in food that isn't completely smooth although you love "cheerios" and I gave you a bite of my grilled cheese the other day and you loved it.
Dear Madison,
You are such a happy girl. Your smile absolutely lights up a room. You have 7 teeth with an 8th on the way.
Dear Madison,
This month you started napping MUCH easier and better. Sometimes when you wake up you don't cry right away and you'll just sit in your crib and play with a stuffed animal.
Your biggest accomplishment this
month is standing unsupported. You can stand for a few seconds at a time. I really thought you'd be walking by now since you crawled at 6 months. Not that it matters but I'm surprised.
You can be a bully to your brother. You take anything he has in his hands. He has started to protest now and hang onto things and that makes you angry. I would guess you weigh 16 lbs and you wear size 6-12 months clothes. You are also wearing size six diapers and they're still huge on you. You are more daring with chunky foods but still not great. You loved grilled cheese but hated cantaloupe.
Aw, they look adorable despite the dark day. I can't believe it's less than a month away until one year. Wow! They sound like so much fun (and I can relate to the un-fun parts, too).
I'm guessing M. is not really in size 6 diapers =)
Happy birthday M&J. I hear ya on the roughness. Teo is getting rough with the cat. He sometimes tries to steal toys and pacifiers from the other baby at daycare who is a month younger than him, but is still not mobile. Jackson looks very handsome in his 10 month photo.
What a wonderful letter to your babies!
Happy Birthday little ones! You look like toddlers now and I simply can't get over it.
I think it is wild that Madison has teeth and Jackson doesn't. I'm learning so much about twins by reading your blog.
Congratulations Mom and Dad on another successful month.
Does it make me a bad person that I smiled a little when I read that M & J aren't waving or clapping yet and K & C are? I'm justifying the pettiness knowing that your little guys have done EVERYTHING before mine and they are younger! :)
They look so cute. I love J's sweater and I can't get over how much hair Miss M has now. Wow!
Size 6 diapers? Kate has a pound on Madison and she is still wearing size 2.
I would love to see a video of the copy cat routine. That sounds so funny.
One more month to go until the big birthday! Yay!
I love reading these. I am sure they will too. I can't wait to meet them!!!
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