Thursday, February 21, 2008

Random things

I've been so bad at updating. I'm not really sure why. Sometimes I feel like I have so much to tell that it's overwhelming and once I sit down to write I can't remember anything I wanted to write about.

The sleep problem has been much better...mine not Jackson's. Jackson is still waking up 3 times a night cries for a minute and goes back to sleep. For a couple nights I slept with the monitor off knowing that I could still hear him if he was crying which I did but my guilt got the best of me. What if he was crying and I was sleeping so deeply that I didn't hear him? What if his leg was stuck in the slats of the crib and was in pain and I was ignoring him? What if he cried for 40 minutes and I didn't know it? But I had two nights of great sleep. So last night I turned it back on. He cried at 12:30 while Chris and I were still up and then two other times once we were asleep and it woke me up. Which is better? Me hearing him every time he cries and inturupting my sleep or me possibly sleeping through his cry? What do I do? At least I'm not getting him up anymore. I think that's a huge step in the right direction. I just can't believe that Madison doesn't wake up too.

Is it a problem that he's waking up that many times a night? Is it something I should talk to the doctor about? Maybe I should just call and see what they think.

So my sleep has been better and of course two things happened that could be the cause for that so I don't know which one is helping. Although me sleeping through the night in the past still left me feeling so tired all day long so maybe it is the new level on the cpap machine. Tomorrow will be two weeks with the new pressure. The rep that set me up was right that it would take some getting used to with such a jump in pressure. One great feature of cpap machines is the "ramp" feature. It starts out at level 5 and over a course of 45 minutes works up to the 16 so by then you're hopefully asleep and not noticing the gail force winds blowing into your nose. The first week was pretty rough. I woke up a lot and it took a while to get back to sleep because all I could focus on was how hard the air was blowing and the noise the air makes. It's fairly quiet but there is definitely still a noise that you can focus on. This machine also has a heated humifier for the air so it doesn't dry your nose out. At a level of 5 it wasn't an issue so I didn't use the humidifier but now that I'm at 16 I found out the hard way what not using the humidifier does. The second night I used the machine I forgot to fill the chamber with water. I had just filled it the night before and the thought didn't even cross my mind that the water would be gone...but it was. I woke up to a bloody nose that lasted quite a few days. I won't be making that mistake again. So as the days have gone on it's become less foreign to me and therefore gotten me to sleep more deeply. I have actually felt human for the last few days which is a nice change of pace. I'm still hoping for more improvement and I think that's very doable. I just have to get my son to stop waking me up periodically. Oh, one other odd thing is that when I wake up in the morning my stomach is full of air! I think throughout the night when I swallow I swallow a lot of air. I literally look like I'm pregnant in the morning and it's SO uncomfortable. I end up burping like a truck driver when I first get up.

Videos have been lacking since I got my new camera. It doesn't have a video feature on it like my old point and shoot. Not that I'm complaining! I'm just pointing out why. We have a fancy hd video camera but I haven't figured out how to get the video onto the computer and then into a format and size that is web friendly. Maybe I'll have Chris show me this weekend.

I believe my car is being fixed as we speak. Our mechanic said it was a four day job and he had to clear the shop out of all his other projects before he started on it. I was so fortunate that Chris's mom went away this week for school vacation and she let me borrow her brand new car!!! What a treat that was. We were able to go to the RMV yesterday so I could renew my license. What fun! I'm bummed I have to give it back even though the double stroller doesn't fit in the trunk. So looks like the kids won't be going anywhere this weekend and at least Monday and Tuesday of next week. I'm not holding my breath for it to be done.

The kids got me roses for my birthday and a card. My first birthday card from babies. It was awesome. The girls at work got a carvel ice cream cake for me. That's my favorite! I brought the babies to my dad's office today where my mom met us all for lunch.

I have a hole in my fat jeans but I have to continue wearing them cause, well, I'm fat.

How's that for random things?


Wes and Rae Leytham said...

I have been DYING for an update!! THANKS!

I am glad you are feeling better and getting better sleep. My vote is that you turn the monitor off. Avery's room is on the other side of our house (which is not small) and I can still hear her. I am sure it takes me longer to wake up, but when I wake up, I don't get startled now. I am glad Madison doesn't wake up!

You should talk to the pedi about J's sleeping if you feel you should! That is always the best thing to do if you have questions. But, Avery went through about 3 or 4 weeks of waking and now she has slept through the night without waking for almost 2 weeks. The ONLY thing we changed is that we stopped giving her late bottles. She eats dinner at 6-6:30ish and that's it for the night. But, I don't know if that's just a coincidence.

Woohoo on the car!!!!


Wes and Rae Leytham said...

kick ass!!! I was the first to comment.

Wendy and Karen said...

How did I miss your birthday?!


Eva said...

Glad you are sleeping better! Re: Jackson's sleeping... my sense is that it's not abnormal to wake up a few times a night at this age, especially if he puts himself back to sleep quickly. We all wake up to some degree in the night, it's just that babies don't have the same skills to put themselves back to sleep. But if you're worried, can't hurt to check in with ped.

I'd say no monitor. If he's really distressed, I imagine you'd hear him.

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Happy birthday!

We turned off the monitor about a month ago. I like not being disturbed when he is stirring and making some noises, but not really waking up.

I also don't have sleep apnea though, so I can see how you would be worried. I take it Chris doesn't wake up easily? I'm lucky that Maria is a v. light sleeper (to a fault - I think that's why she's constantly tired), so she usually hears Teo first.