Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One more I forgot to post

Let's see how many captions we can come up with for this photo.  I'll start...

"You wanna repeat that, please?"


Haley & Abigail Christian said...



You want to WHAT with the whatnow?

I'm sorry honey, you're going to have to speak into my good ear.

Wendy and Karen said...

"Is that the sound of one hand clapping? Or perhaps no babies crying?"


"Gee, I can hear you but have you forgotten that I can't speak yet?"

Anonymous said...

Do you even hear how gay you sound?

Kerry Lynn said...

Christopher! didn't your mother ever teach you if you don't have anything nice to say to not say anything at all? Oh, right, silly me, you don't care.

Wes and Rae Leytham said...

I have nothing, but I did want to say that Chris cracked me up.