Tuesday, October 18, 2011

1000th post

Almost 6 years ago when I started this blog, I had no idea I would make it to 1000 posts.  Although if I had kept up with my original pace of posting I would have made 1000 a while ago.  I initially started this as a way to keep friends and family updated on my fertility treatments.  Rather than telling the story separately to a bunch of people they could just all come here and read.  What I didn't imagine were all the strangers that I would meet because of it.  I had no idea people read strangers' blogs.  And the funny thing is that it's the strangers that have stuck around and continued reading while my close friends don't even bother.

At this point this blog is completely about preserving memories for the future.  With the last 4 and a half years of Madison and Jackson's life having FLOWN by I am so grateful for this documentation.  There is no way I would have remembered even 10% of the things I have written here.

If you're reading this I'd really love a comment so I know I'm not talking to the wind.  Thanks!


K J and the kids said...

HAPPY 1000th girl !

E. from Pot o' Gold said...

Hey Kerry, I'm here. Great pictures of the fair, and I enjoyed the posts about the kids foray into modeling. We have considered getting Mateo into it too, but never actually got it off the ground.

Anonymous said...

I am reading. Found your blog years ago and our children are the same age.

Courtney said...

YAY for 1000 posts! That's a great accomplishment! I'm almost at 100 and thought that was awesome, lol!

Wendy and Karen said...

You know I love you :)

Love the new blog background and header picture!