Friday, April 17, 2009

Third Easter

Two things I can't believe

  1. This is my children's THIRD Easter
  2. I only have these two photos of  the kids from the day
These two photos of them were taken at home before we even left.  I though for sure there would be plenty of time for more photo opps but apparently it didn't happen

Normally we spend Easter brunch in Gloucester.  Since 1999 that is where I have been.  Chris's cousin's kitchen is under construction so she didn't have it this year.  We missed everybody.  
My Aunt usually has Easter dinner but she was in Florida this year.  We usually go from one to the other.
Both of our parents decided to have something at their house since we were displaced.  Then I suggested we just have it all together at my Parents' house.  It was all last minute but you'd never know it.  Our friend Sue (a long time friend that we work with at the marathon every year) even joined us since she was in town for the marathon.  The food was wonderful and I finally got Chris's family to try my pineapple stuffing.  We ate almost the entire pan.  It's so yummy :-) and is so perfect with ham.

The kids ended up going down for a nap before we ate so Chris and I were able to relax and eat.

1 comment:

Wendy and Karen said...

Looks like a wonderful celebration. I love the place setting picture