Friday, February 02, 2007

Day 12

This morning the nurse came in to take me off the mag again. It really came from nowhere so I questioned who had ordered that and she wasn't sure exactly. So I paged my dr and she said that she had a meeting with a group of drs and they were all concerned with me being on it so long...apparently it has some pretty bad side effects. So at noon they disconnected my IV again and gave me a pill of another medicine called nifedipine. It's mostly used as a blood pressure reducer but also relaxes muscles (which will relax my uterus and keep the contractions away). At 1:45 I went on the contraction monitor and I didn't have any at all which has never happened before. I always have at least 4.

My cousin Venetia came by with her almost 3 year old son Jack. He played shy at first but he warmed up. We were able to have a nice visit until it was time for him to take a nap. She also brought by all of her baby boy clothes for us! What a relief! We have nothing!!

Chris will be coming by after dinner tonight to spend the weekend with me. I can't wait to see him :-)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Wow, I can't believe you have been in here almost two weeks! I'm glad the new meds seem to be helping. Keep working on baking those babies!!!!